tiistai 27. tammikuuta 2015

Creative Corporate and Marketing Communication -course

Welcome to my study blog! My name is Mia and I am a 23 year old girl studying International Business in Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences. In our course Creative Corporate and Marketing Communication we are using a blog as our learning tool. On our course we are using problem placed learning. The purpose of the blog is to share our findings about each case from our PBL sessions.

On this course we will learn about;
  • Integrated communication and branding
  • Communication objectives and measurements
  • Media and message decisions
  • Communication research

The learning approach is problem-based learning (PBL) where we have practical problems in the business context and we they are solved trough constructing knowledge in teams.

The tutorial teams meet for three hours per week. In addition, lectures/workshops are given once a week. 

The course also includes a Client project where the teams create a brand management and/or a corporate and marketing communications plan for a client organisation.

I hope you enjoy your reading!

4 kommenttia:

  1. I was considering to include the same videos that you used! Awesome ones! :)

    I like how you defined the target audience! I didn't do it so specifically, I should have!

    1. Thanks Barbi! Feel free to use them :) We are in a different PBL groups anyways.

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