Visual Brand Identity

What is Visual Brand Identity?

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A consistent visual identity supports a strong brand. People recognise the visuals before they read a word and by this they can easily identify a company just by a glance. Business dictionaries 2015 defines visual brand as a visible elements of a brand, such as colour, form, and shape, which encapsulate and convey the symbolic meanings that cannot be imparted through words alone. In a broader corporate sense, it may include elements such as building architecture, colour schemes, and dress code. 


Company visual brand identity is a combination of the brand, identity and the logo. Logo is not is it your identity. Logo design, identity design and branding all have different roles that together form a perceived image for a business or a product. (Cass 2010)

Cass 2010 defines the three as following:

Brand - the perceived emotional corporate image as a whole.
Identity - the visual aspect that form part of the overall brand
Logo - A logo identifies a business in its simplest form via the use of a mark or icon.

Brand can be described as a 'personality' of a company or a product. However, many people believe a brand only consists of a few elements - some colours, some fonts, a logo, a slogan and maybe some music added in too. In reality, it is  much more complicated than that. You might say that a brand is a 'corporate image'. The fundamental idea and core concept behind having a 'corporate image' is that everything a company does, everything it owns and everything it produces should reflect the values and aims of the business as a whole. (Cass 2010)

Cass 2010, has listed the devices the identity of company is made up of:

  • A Logo (The symbol of the entire identity & brand)
  • Stationery (Letterhead + business card + envelopes, etc.)
  • Marketing Collateral (Flyers, brochures, books, websites, etc.)
  • Products & Packaging (Products sold and the packaging in which they come in)
  • Apparel Design (Tangible clothing items that are worn by employees)
  • Signage (Interior & exterior design)
  • Messages & Actions (Messages conveyed via indirect or direct modes of communication)
  • Other Communication (Audio, smell, touch, etc.)
  • Anything visual that represents the business.

What Are The Elements of Visual Brand Identity?

Source: url

When you want to make a strong impression on your target audience, making the right decisions when it comes to visual brand identity is important. According to Gareth Hardy 2012,  there can be found five most important elements that should be considered when creating a brand density for a company:

1. Choose the right brand name

Even though a brand name is not technically a part of creating a visual brand identity it should be considered as a one element. A brand name should not only sound right and be easy to pronounce but it should also look right. No matter how well you would do your work, a poor name can eliminate your opportunity of successfully creating a visual brand identity.

2. Create a consisten visual style

"All of the the brand elements should follow a consistent visual style throughout"(Hardy 2012). Of course, exemptions can be made when it comes to campaigns and such but the overall image should stay the same.

3. Develop a compelling logo

The logo makes a company recognisable. Also, logos can easily speak about your business, your mission and what you offer. "The logo is the most essential and valuable visual element of your brand"(Hardy 2012).

4. Pay attention to the colour

Colours are important too, they influence our emotions and help us distinquish between competing brands.  The colours have a strong role in brand recognition and brand loyalty. 

5. Select appropriate typographic

This part concerns the style and appearance of any lettering and fonts used as part of your brand identity. These elements are very important when you want to make sure that the right message is being communicated. Wrong choices can be crucial, really think what is suitable for your brand.

How to create a winning visual brand identities?

There are so many different companies and also strong brand identities out there that how can a company stand out from the crowd? Jacob Cass 2012, has listed ten important elements when you want to create a winning visual brand identity that really works:

1. Make it coherent, not consistent

2. Do more than a logo
3. Brand without badging
4. The big idea is not the big idea
5. Own moments
6. Remove the fear
7. Weird works
8. Make it people-centric
9. Create assets not costs
10. Chase the opportunity.

Creating a well-done visual brand identity is not that easy. There are also many difficulties. Often the producers do not know how to translate their brand values and brand identity into a design language. They believe a designer has to do this. However, they often fell a designer does not understand their brad. Therefore producers force themselves to be in control. (Wessels 2010)

10 must know tips for creating a winning visual brand identities. Jacob Cass 2012. URL: Accessed 10.02.2015

5 key aspects of visual brand identity. Gareth Hardy 2012. URL: Accessed 10.02.2015

Visual Branding. Business dictionary 2015. URL: Accessed 10.02.2015

Branding, Identity & Logo Design explained. Jacob Cass 2010. URL: Accessed 10.02.2015

Common Problems with translating brand identity into visual product design. Roel Wessels 2010. URL: Accessed 10.02.2015

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